The Animal Spotlight
now featuring:  the koala bear


Koala bears can be found by the coastal regions of eastern and southern Australia.  Unlike the anteater; it is illegal to keep a koala bear as a pet.  The only people who are allowed to keep a koala bear are people with wildlife careers, and occasionally research scientists.  These people are issued special permits to care for koalas, but they must return the koala(s) to the wild eventually.  If disturbed, koalas can become violent.  They have very sharp teeth and claws, which could be used like weapons against a person.  After learning that, I don't think I would even want to have a koala bear as a pet anyway.

Koala bears are lazy animals! They rest motionless for about 16 to 18 hours per day! The rest of the day the koala bear spends eating eucalypt leaves, (besides maybe 2 or 3 hours climbing trees).

Fun fact:  Did you know that koala bears actually have fingerprints?! A koala bear's fingerprints are similar to a human fingerprint.  Even when observed at close range under an electron microscope, it can be quite difficult to distinguish between the human and koala fingerprints! The koala is one of the few mammals (other than primates) that has fingerprints.

Here are some YouTube videos about koala bears that I enjoyed watching:
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