Tokidoki animals


Tokidoki is the name of a clothing line made by Italian artist Simone Legno -- (and his business partners Pooneh Mohajer and Ivan Arnold) -- in 2005.  The clothing line was inspired by Japanese style and culture.  The word "Tokidoki" means "sometimes" in Japanese.  There are also accessories and toys available in Tokidoki.

Below are some pictures of some of the Tokidoki characters.  There are many characters, but I am only featuring the animal ones.

Tokidoki cactus pups -- (each comes with its own accessory or pet... or as Neopets would call them -- petpets)
Tokidoki cat -- this one's name is Carina
Tokidoki cow -- (name is Mozzarella) -- this character reminds me of a Lego man
Tokidoki monkey dressed as a pirate