The Animal Spotlight
now featuring:  the chameleon


Approximately 160 species of chameleon can be found in the following places:  Africa, Madagascar, Portugal, Spain, Sri Lanka, Asia, and also in Hawaii and California.  They live in the warm habitats of those regions, and the conditions that they exist in could be rain forest, or desert.

Some; (but not all), chameleon species can change colors.  This is the most common characteristic of the chameleon.  The colors that a chameleon are known to change into include the following colors:  pink, blue, red, orange, green, black, brown, yellow and turquoise.  When most people think of a chameleon changing colors, they believe the purpose behind the color change is so the chameleon can blend in with its surroundings, which is not always true.  The main reason of the color change is actually used to express conditions of the reptile, and also for social signals to other chameleons.  Those are the main uses of the color changes, but to blend in with the background would be the number three reason.

A chameleon's menu consists of mainly locusts, mantis, crickets, grasshoppers, and other insects.  Larger chameleons have actually ate small birds and other lizards.  A couple species; (such as the Veiled Chameleon, and the Jackson's Chameleon), will consume small amounts of plants.  Drink wise, chameleons prefer to drink from running water -- (like a miniature waterfall) -- instead of still water.

For some people, a chameleon would make a great pet.  Just keep in mind that a chameleon is a lot harder to care for than it may seem, and the cost is not that cheap.  Chameleons require special lighting, and environment -- (just like other reptiles).  Most people are fascinated by the color-changing technique of the chameleon, and jump right into buying one for entertainment purposes.  Anyone who wants to have a chameleon as a pet should do their research first.

The world's smallest species of chameleon called the Brookesia
A close-up picture of the Brookesia Chameleon
(c) 2000-2009 Neopets, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Used With Permission
Here are some YouTube videos about chameleons that I enjoyed watching:
Here is a bonus video that is just so silly, it should make you laugh!
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