The Animal Spotlight
now featuring:  the kangaroo


This marsupial can only be found in Australia -- (besides being shown off at different zoos) -- which is the national emblem of this continent.  The Red Kangaroo is shown on the Australian Coat of Arms, which is the official symbol of Australia.  The other animal that is featured on the Coat of Arms is the Emu.  (See picture of the Australian Coat of Arms below).

The different species of the kangaroo include the following:  Western Grey Kangaroo, Antilopine Kangaroo, Red Kangaroo, and Eastern Grey Kangaroo.  There are smaller species of kangaroo also.  These smaller species are found not only in Australia, but in New Guinea as well.  An example of a smaller species of kangaroo is the Wallaby.

Kangaroos are classified strictly as herbivores, grazing mostly on grasses, shrubs, and fungi.  Many species of kangaroo are nocturnal, so they spend the days sleeping, and the nights moving about and feeding.

Fun Fact:  Did you know that there are Kangaroo Crossing signs in Australia? These signs are very common to see, since the kangaroo roams freely about the continent.  (See image below).

The Australian Coat of Arms featuring the Red Kangaroo and the Emu -- the official symbol of Australia
Kangaroo Xing sign in Australia
a male Red Kangaroo
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Here are some YouTube videos about kangaroos that I enjoyed watching:
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