The Animal Spotlight
now featuring:  the oryx

The Arabian Oryx

There are four known species of the Oryx, and they can be found in the following places:  Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, New Mexico, and Texas.  The species of Oryx found in New Mexico and Texas are called the "Scimitar Oryx".  The Scimitar Oryx exist on wild game ranches, and are hunted due to overpopulation of them in certain areas.

There are only about 600 of the species "Arabian Oryx" left in captivity--(see main picture)--and in 2003 a total population of about 886 left in the wild.  They were actually announced as extinct in 1972, but were reintroduced in 1982.

All species of the oryx are adapted to desert-like conditions.  Because of this, they can go for long periods without water.

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