The Animal Spotlight
now featuring:  the flying squirrel


The flying squirrel is a nocturnal creature, being known for living in a wide variety of areas in the United States, Canada, and Mexico/Central America.  There are 44 species of squirrels which includes the flying squirrel.  The family name that the flying squirrel belongs to is called "Sciuridae".

Flying squirrels do not fly, but they glide.  They glide in between trees, with records of up to 90 meters.  A flying squirrel has three different parts which aid in the gliding.  The three different parts are:  its wrist bones, a membrane stretching from the wrist to the ankle, and its fluffy tail.  The membrane acts as a parachute, and the tail helps the squirrel to brake before landing on a tree branch.

The flying squirrel's menu consists of nuts, fruits, fungi, and bird eggs.  Birds, watch out for your newborns!

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Here are some YouTube videos about flying squirrels that I enjoyed watching:
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